Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Edad en peticiones de green card y otras solicitudes

En Estados Unidos la edad juega un papel fundamental en peticiones de la tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card, y otros beneficios migratorios como el asilo, programas humanitarios, loterà ­a de visas, etc. La edad determina quià ©n puede pedir ciertos beneficios migratorios para familiares, y tambià ©n quià ©n puede recibirlos, por derecho propio o porque puede ser incluido en la peticià ³n de su padre o madre. Cabe destacar que desde el punto de vista de las leyes migratoria y en contra de lo que a menudo se piensa, un menor –a quien se denomina child– no es la persona que no ha cumplido  la mayorà ­a de edad. Por el contrario, un nià ±o para Inmigracià ³n puede ser una persona menor de 16 aà ±os, de 18 o de 21, dependiendo del tipo de peticià ³n. En todos los casos, el menor debe permanecer soltero para mantener la consideracià ³n de menor. Casos en los que la edad afecta a la peticià ³n de la green card por familia La edad juega un papel en las peticiones de la green card, pero solo en determinados supuestos, destacando: Peticià ³n de ciudadano estadounidense a hijo/a Los ciudadanos pueden pedir la tarjeta de residencia para sus hijos. Se distinguen tres situaciones, segà ºn la edad y estado civil de los mismos. Hijos soltero menor de 21 aà ±osHijos soltero mayor de 21 aà ±osHijo casado de cualquier edad Solo los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os son considerados como familiares inmediatos del ciudadano. Esa categorà ­a especial posibilita que ese menor pueda adquirir la green card por peticià ³n del padre o madre en aproximadamente 12 -18 meses. Si desde la peticià ³n de la green card y su aprobacià ³n el hijo cumple los 21 aà ±os de edad todavà ­a puede optar a obtener los papeles en esa categorà ­a porque se considera que su edad se ha congelado en el momento de presentacià ³n de la solicitud. Por el contrario, las otras dos categorà ­as reciben respectivamente el nombre de F1 y F3 y son peticiones que tardan aà ±os en resolverse. El boletà ­n de visas es documento a consultar para orientarse sobre el tiempo de demora. Por otro lado, en las peticiones de un hijo en la categorà ­a F1 o F3 se puede incluir a los hijos de tales hijos, siempre y cuando permanezcan solteros y tengan menos de 21 aà ±os en el momento de aprobarse su visa de inmigrante. Si en el momento de la tramitacià ³n final esos hijos han cumplido ya los 21 aà ±os de edad no podrà ¡n obtener la green card de esta manera. Se les considera lo que en inglà ©s se conoce como age out. Es decir, la edad los ha dejado fuera. No importa que la peticià ³n se hubiera presentado cuando eran unos nià ±os pequeà ±os. Peticià ³n de ciudadano para sus hijastros Aplican las mismas condiciones que para las peticiones de hijos biolà ³gicos, tal y como se han explicado en el apartado anterior, pero con un requisito mà ¡s: el matrimonio entre el ciudadano y padre o madre del muchacho/a para el que se desea pedir los papeles tiene que haberse celebrado antes de que dicho muchacho hubiera cumplido los 18 aà ±os de edad. Visa de inmigrante K-2 para hijos de prometido/a de ciudadano estadounidense Los ciudadanos pueden solicitar una visa K-2 para los hijos de sus novios siempre y cuando dichos hijos està ©n solteros y tengan menos de 21 aà ±os cumplidos. Peticià ³n de residente permanente para hijo/a Los residentes permanente pueden solicitar a sus hijos solteros. Los menores de 21 aà ±os caen en la categorà ­a que se conoce F2A y los mayores de dicha edad son considerados como F2B. La primera peticià ³n tarda menos aà ±os que la segunda. Los residentes permanentes no pueden pedir a hijos casados, sin que importe la edad. Excepciones a la regla general de edad en peticiones de green card La Ley de Proteccià ³n del Estatus del Menor (CSPA, ver el texto completo en inglà ©s) entrà ³ en vigor en 2002 y permite que ciertas personas para las que ya se ha pedido una green card antes de cumplir los 21 aà ±os y que cumplen dicha edad antes de finalizarse la tramitacià ³n sigan siendo consideradas como nià ±os (child) hasta la finalizacià ³n de la misma. Estos son los tres casos: Si un ciudadano americano pide a un hijo/a soltero menor de 21 aà ±os En este caso, la edad del hijo se congela en la fecha en la que se ha presentado ante el USCIS la forma I-130. Por ejemplo, si el hijo tiene 20 aà ±os y nueve meses y su visa està ¡ disponible cuando ya tiene 22, se le sigue considerando a estos efectos como menor de 21 aà ±os. Si un residente permanente legal pide a un hijo/a En este caso la edad del muchacho se congela si el padre o la madre que es residente se convierte en ciudadano por naturalizacià ³n antes de que el hijo alcance los 21. En estos casos se considera como edad del chico la que tenà ­a en la fecha de la jura del progenitor como ciudadano americano. Generalmente, eso beneficia al pedido que podrà ­a obtener antes la green card. Sin embargo, eso no siempre ocurre asà ­, y se tiene que verificar si es mà ¡s rà ¡pido para el hijo seguir siendo un F2B o pasar a la categorà ­a de F1, para hijos solteros de ciudadanos. Si es mà ¡s conveniente lo primero,  comunicà ¡rselo por carta al USCIS,  diciendo que se opta por seguir en la categorà ­a de hijo de residente. Por à ºltimo recordar que tanto en el caso de peticià ³n de residente convertido en ciudadano o de ciudadano que pidià ³ a su hijo, se tiene un aà ±o para proseguir los trà ¡mites para adquirir la green card mediante la presentacià ³n del formulario que le corresponda: I-824, Accià ³n sobre una aplicacià ³n o peticià ³n aprobada.I-485, Ajuste de estatus, si està ¡ ya viviendo en Estados Unidos.DS-230, Aplicacià ³n por una visa de inmigrante, que debe tramitarse en la oficina consular que corresponda. En otras palabras, se debe proceder con los trà ¡mites sin demora porque hay que recordar que no es suficiente con tener aprobado el I-130. Refugiados y casos de asilo Los refugiados y asilados pueden pedir una green card para sus hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Se entiende que cumplen con este requisito si esa era su situacià ³n en el momento en el que uno de los progenitores presentà ³ el formulario I-589, Aplicacià ³n para asilo o el I-590, Registro como refugiado. La edad en peticiones de green card por razones diferentes a familia La edad tambià ©n afecta a casos de peticiones de green card por razones diferentes a familia, como por ejemplo, la loterà ­a, asilo,  patrocinio de empresa, inversià ³n, etc.  En estos casos, el beneficiario podrà ¡ incluir en su misma solicitud a su cà ³nyuge y a sus hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Por ejemplo, Anà ­bal Là ³pez està ¡ casado y tiene dos hijos, uno de 19 aà ±os y el otro de 21. Y gana la loterà ­a de visas de la diversidad. Anà ­bal podrà ¡ emigrar a Estados Unidos junto con su esposa y su hijo de 19 aà ±os, cada uno con su propia green card. Sin embargo, el hijo de 21 aà ±os no obtiene los papeles. La solucià ³n en estos casos es que Anà ­bal o su esposa, una vez en Estados Unidos, puedan iniciar los trà ¡mites como residentes para pedir a un hijo soltero mayor de 21 aà ±os.   Edad y seguro mà ©dico en las visas de inmigrante para la residencia A partir del 3 de noviembre de 2019, los solicitantes de la visa de inmigrante deberà ¡n probar que pueden adquirir seguro mà ©dico en los 30 dà ­as siguientes a su ingreso a EE.UU. o tienen recursos econà ³micos suficientes para hacer frente a previsibles gastos mà ©dicos. De esta regla està ¡n excluidos los menores de 18 aà ±os, siempre y cuando acompaà ±en a uno de sus padres o guardià ¡n legal, el cual sà ­ debe cumplir con esa obligacià ³n. Edad y el Estatus de Inmigrantes Especiales Juveniles Este programa, conocido como SIJS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s, permite obtener la tarjeta de residencia a los muchachos indocumentados presentes en EE.UU. y que han sido abusados, abandonados o tratados con negligencia por sus padres y cuyo mejor interà ©s sea permanecer en los Estados Unidos. La edad para beneficiarse de este programa es 18 o 21 aà ±os, dependiendo del estado en el que el muchacho reside. Edad y DACA En el programa especial para jà ³venes indocumentados conocido como DACA, los beneficiados deben cumplir, entre otros requisitos, el de haber llegado a EE.UU. antes de haber cumplido los 16 aà ±os de edad. Tampoco podà ­an tener mà ¡s de 30 en el momento en que aplicaron. La edad del ciudadano para pedir papeles Los ciudadanos estadounidenses pueden solicitar la green card para sus padres y hermanos, pero para presentar la solicitud deben haber cumplido los 21 aà ±os de edad.   Si està ¡n casados sà ­ pueden pedir a su cà ³nyuge, porque el matrimonio los ha convertido en adultos a los ojos de Inmigracià ³n. Ciudadanà ­a estadounidense y edad La edad tambià ©n puede afectar a la ciudadanà ­a en diversas situaciones. Asà ­, para adquirirla por derecho de sangre es necesario cumplir todos los requisitos antes de cumplir los 18 aà ±os. Por otra parte, los residentes permanentes legales menores de 18 aà ±os pueden adquirir automà ¡ticamente la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense cuando uno de sus padres se convierte en ciudadano por naturalizacià ³n. Tambià ©n se puede adquirir por adopcià ³n y, en casos excepcionales, por naturalizacià ³n por derecho derivado de un abuelo. Cà ³mo afecta la edad en las visas no inmigrantes Muchas de las visas no inmigrantes, como por ejemplo la de estudiante, intercambio o temporales de trabajo  permiten a su titular traer a su familia a Estados Unidos por el tiempo que dure su estancia.   En estos casos las familias gozan de lo que se conoce como visas derivadas, ya que dependen de la del principal. Y en estos casos por familia hay que entender el cà ³nyuge y los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Por ejemplo, Carmen Vega es enviada por su empresa a Estados Unidos con una visa L-1 de transfer y le acompaà ±an su esposo y sus hijos menores de 21 aà ±os. Todos estos con una L-2. Pero durante la estancia el hijo mayor cumple los 21. Como ya no puede disfrutar de una visa derivada tiene que salir de Estados Unidos o quedarse pero con una visa de la que es su propio titular. Por ejemplo, una F-1 porque està ¡ estudiando en la universidad. Test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre la green card Finalmente, para todos los lectores interesados en la tarjeta de residencia, este test brinda una oportunidad sencilla de informarse sobre aspectos fundamentales para sacar la green card y conservarla sin problemas. Puntos Clave: edad en peticiones y beneficios migratorios Peticiones de ciudadano para hijo: menor de 21 es familiar inmediato, mayor de 21 y soltero es F1 y casado de cualquier edad F3.Peticiones de ciudadano a hijastro: matrimonio de ciudadano y padre/madre de hijastro debe haberse celebrado antes de que el hijo/a hubiera cumplido los 18 aà ±os de edad.Peticiones de visa K-2 para hijos de novio/a de ciudadano: solteros menores de 21 aà ±os.Peticiones de residente para hijos solteros: menos de 21 aà ±os es un F2A, 21 o mà ¡s e u n F2B.Transmisià ³n de ciudadanà ­a americana por derecho de sangre: todos los requisitos deben cumplirse antes de haber cumplido los 18 aà ±os de edad.Visas de inmigrante o no inmigrante derivadas: se puede incluir a los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os.Asilo: pueden adquirir la green card los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de la persona que obtiene el asilo.Estatus Especial de Inmigrante Juvenil: pueden adquirir los papeles si son menores de 18 o de 21, depende del estado de residencia.Peticià ³ n de ciudadano de green card para padres o hermanos: tiene que haber cumplido 21 aà ±os de edad. Este artà ­culo tiene un fin meramente informativo. No es ayuda legal.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Abbs Relays Business Building and Managing a Global Matrix

Because this is a complex organization with sophisticated management practices, in MBA classrooms it may be necessary to spend some time in the early discussion ensuring that there is a clear understanding of the ABBÂ’s matrix structure and the management roles and relationships in the relays business. In executive education programs, participants are more likely to have had experience in such subtle organization processes, and the instructor can move more quickly from the basic diagnosis to the more evaluative and reflective discussion. Executives will be interested to discuss issues like what makes this global matrix work when so many others have failed, and what value is being created in return for the substantial operating cost such†¦show more content†¦The most likely scenario is that Jans will push for relief from the Comsys constraints so that he can focus more development resources on his local projects. This appeal will likely meet with approval from Baker, whose interests are aligned with actions designed to maximize local profitability. Gundemark, on the other hand, is likely to resist this request, arguing that it will set a dangerous precedent for other local operations to continue with their individual product development agendas. He will likely reaffirm the reasons behind the important commitment the relays BA has made to finding a common platform for future product development. Ideally, the debate should continue towards resolution, but if the parties seem as if they are polarizing or digging in, the instructor may intervene and ask if this is the way things work in ABB. Since Gundemark is likely to be in the minority, the instructor may ask what kinds of incentives, compromises or persuasions he may use to shift the debate. One obvious lever for Gundemark to use is his agreement to send two of his technical managers to Coral Springs to help out Jans. He might suggest that if Jans wants to ensure continued support from the BA, he also cooperate with its programs. At some stage during the discussion, particularly if it becomes heated orShow MoreRelatedBuilding and Managing a Global Matrix8112 Words   |  33 PagesHarvard Business School 9-394-016 Rev. April 26, 1999 ABB’s Relays Business: Building and Managing A Global Matrix It was a casual conversation between the chairmen of Asea and Brown Boveri in 1987 about the dismal state of the utilities equipment market that eventually led to merger talks between these two giant power equipment companies. Within weeks of the announcement in August 1987, Percy Barnevik, the CEO of Asea who was asked to lead the combined operations, had articulated a strategicRead MoreAbb Relay Business: Building and Managing Global Matrix811 Words   |  4 Pagesn the case study titled â€Å"ABB’s Relay Business: Building and Managing a Global Matrix†, the author attempted an examination of the success and challenges that occurred as a result of the decision to merge two medium scale telecommunications companies - Asea and Brown Boveri. The merger was necessitated by the depression in the utility equipment market. As a result of this, the chairmen of both companies met and decided it was in the best interest of the two companies to come together in forming an

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Universal education and gender parity essay Free Essays

Some 104-121 million kids of primary school age are non in school, with the worst deficits in Africa and South Asia. Girls are disproportionately affected, peculiarly in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and East Asia and the Pacific, where 83 % of all out-of-school misss live ( UNESCO, 2004 ) . Cosmopolitan Education and Gender Parity Essay In this essay I will discourse whether I believe that Africa will make the planetary end of cosmopolitan primary instruction and gender para at all degrees of instruction by 2015. We will write a custom essay sample on Universal education and gender parity essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now I will utilize my findings to separate whether I believe Africa will make the specified ends by 2015. First I will concentrate on whether Africa will make the planetary end of cosmopolitan primary instruction by 2015. Harmonizing to African Development Bank Group ( 2009 ) Most African states are on path to accomplish cosmopolitan primary registration by 2015, if current tendencies continue, nevertheless even though harmonizing to The United Nations ( 2010 ) registration in primary instruction has continued to lift and is making 89 per cent in the development universe the gait of advancement is still deficient to guarantee that, by 2015, all misss and boys finish a full class of primary schooling. The African Development Bank Group ( 2009 ) states that if actions are taken to better entree to primary instruction for kids from hapless families, for kids who live in rural countries, and for HIV orphans will decrease the job at manus. With all Inquisitions the African Development Bank Group ( 2009 ) states that Africa as a whole has an addition in the primary completion rates nevertheless The United Nations ( 2010 provinces that half of the sub-Saharan African states have at least one in four kids of primary-school left school in 2008 therefore although acquiring kids into school is a critical first measure one needs to maintain the kids go toing categories, this will so increase the chance that one will have the full benefits of instruction. Harmonizing to The United Nations ( 2010 ) Household information from 42 states show that rural kids are twice every bit likely to be out of school as kids populating in urban countries. The information besides show that the rural-urban spread is somewhat wider for misss than for male childs. But the biggest obstruction to instruction is poverty. Besides the rural-urban spread, there was an mean addition of 5.3 per centum in completion rates in 17 African states between 2005 and 2006 ( African Development Bank Group 2009 ) . The mean primary completion rate is low in states in struggle and in states emerging from struggle and therefore current tendencies show that the continent is improbable to accomplish the primary completion mark ( African Development Bank Group 2009 ) . Harmonizing to the United Nations ( 2010 ) in order to run into the end, states will besides necessitate to guarantee that there are adequate instructors and schoolrooms to run into the demand. Between now and 2015, the figure of new instructors needed in sub-Saharan Africa entirely equals the current instruction force in the part ( United Nations 2010 ) . Harmonizing to the United Nations ( 2010 ) many states educating misss is widely perceived as being of less value than educating male childs which now brings me to the whether Africa will make gender para at all degrees of instruction by 2015. Harmonizing to the African Development Bank Group ( 2009 ) the continent continues to do advancement toward gender equality and authorization of adult females, the African development Bank Group stated the misss ‘ primary school registration rate outstripped that of male childs between 2000 and 2006 nevertheless despite these additions, misss still account for 55 per centum of the out-of-school population in the part farther more it was found that In 2008, there were 96 misss for every 100 male childs enrolled in primary school ( United Nations 2010 ) . Harmonizing to the United Nations ( 2010 ) in Secondary Education 95 misss for every 100 male childs enrolled in secondary school. In 1999, the ratios were 91:100 and 88:100 for the two degrees of instruction, severally. Despite this advancement, gender para in primary and secondary education-a mark that was to be met by 2005-is still out of range for many developing parts ( United Nations 2010 ) , hence most African states have yet to accomplish gender para in secondary instruction, about four old ages after the mark day of the month of 2005. Merely 11 states have achieved this mark ( African Development Bank Group 2009 ) . Harmonizing to the African Development Bank Group ( 2009 ) even though topographic points such as Lesotho and Namibia had more misss enrolled in secondary schools than male childs it is extremely improbable that African states will make the mark of gender para in secondary instruction by 2015, if current tendencies continue, nevertheless 10 states have a gender p ara in secondary instruction. Harmonizing to the African Development Bank Group ( 2009 ) the advancement towards gender para in third instruction is besides slow and merely eight African states have achieved gender para in third instruction. In sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia, for illustration, merely 67 and 76 misss per 100 male childs, severally, are enrolled in third degrees of instruction ( United nations 2010 ) and therefore many African states have reported advancement in gender para in regard to adult literacy, in 2007 eight states reported the mark as achieved ( African Development Bank Group 2009 ) . The African Development Bank Group ( 2009 ) say that with the addition in adult female in third instruction work forces ‘s societal and economic places are threatened, hence immature work forces are withdrawing into traditional and spiritual establishments that shore up their places and authorization. This is ensuing in increasing force against adult females and on juncture, to spiritual and other cultural struggles in society ( African Development Bank Group 2009 ) . Consequently, in order to safeguard the promotion of adult females ‘s authorization, a set of policies should besides be introduced to guarantee that male educational and employment chances are non significantly eroded in the procedure ( African Development Bank Group 2009 ) . Harmonizing to the United Nations ( 2010 ) adult females do stand for a big portion of waged workers ; nevertheless it does non intend that they have secure, nice occupations. In fact, adult females are typically paid less and have les s unafraid employment than work forces. Therefore in decision I feel that Africa will non make the planetary end of cosmopolitan primary instruction and gender para at all degrees of instruction due to the ends holding a mark of guaranting that by 2015 kids everyplace male childs and misss likewise will be able to finish a full class of primary schooling and to extinguish gender disparity in primary and secondary instruction sooner by 2005 and in all degrees of instruction no subsequently than 2015 ( United Nations 2010 ) . Already harmonizing to the United Nations ( 2010 ) most African states have yet to accomplish gender para in secondary instruction, about four old ages after the mark day of the month of 2005 and that many scholars leave school before making their concluding twelvemonth in the primary instruction sector and many of them being misss. This consequences in less girl scholars making secondary and third instruction which causes so the gender issue within the secondary and third degrees of instruction. Therefore for Africa to make these ends by the allocated clip they need to get down taking drastic steps and concentrate on making schooling chances for the hapless and unless this occurs we will non make these ends. How to cite Universal education and gender parity essay, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Remuneration Report of Qantas Airlines Free-Samples for Students

Question: Write a Report on the Remuneration report of Qantas airlines. Answer: Introduction: The remuneration report of Qantas airlines exhibit the information about remuneration for the Chief executive officer, non-executive directors and executive management. It also contains the detailed remuneration framework that was applicable for the financial year 2015 and 2016. Outcomes of remuneration is aligned with the performance and creation of value to shareholders. The directors of group in agreement with the Section 300 A of the Corporation Act, 2001, prepare remuneration report of Qantas. Information concerning remuneration of executive management is disclosed by applying the process of evaluating performance (Chan 2013). Discussion: Executive management of organization receives annual incentive based on their contribution toward their achievement for a particular financial year. It is the responsibility of board to review the executive management performance and conclusions about their performance being instrumental in achieving their target is given by board. Under the long-term incentive outcome for the financial year 2016-2016, executive management were awarded with fixed number of rights (Datar and Rajan 2014). Remuneration framework of Qantas: The framework of remuneration is aligned with the strategy of Group. Executive remuneration report intends to motivate, retain, attract and rewarding a capable executive team appropriately. There are three elements involved in executive remuneration framework and this comprise of base pay, annual incentive and long-term incentive. Base pay is the certain salary level and this involves superannuation. Annual incentive is regarded as short-term incentive plan (STIP) and long-term incentive is long-term incentive plan. Base pay involves superannuation, cash and other salary-sacrificed benefits. Under long-term incentive, executives have right over share of Qantas. Under short-term incentive, delivery comprise of two third of cash and one-third shares within a restricted period of three years. Comparison of remuneration system of Qantas for financial year 2015 and 2016: The remuneration system of Qantas for financial year 2016 is based on fair vale methodology that will ensure absolute transparency around the value of rights awarded under long-term incentive. Remuneration report for year 2016 provide with additional face value information (Crosson and Needles 2013). Awards are calculated using the following methodology: Rights awarded to executive team= [Base pay * at target opportunity/ Each right fair value] = Base pay * at target opportunity/ Share price as on 30th June When looking at annual report of Qantas for year 2015, it is evident that number of rights approved to executives under LTIP was calculated on fair value basis and formula is depicted below. Number of rights awarded= Base pay * at target opportunity/ Fair value of each right Growth of LTP share price is equivalent to rights bestowed multiplied by increase in share price of Qantas for three-year performance period. Therefore, comparing remuneration methodology for two financial year has same. Financial year 2016 relied on using fair value methodology. Scorecard measures of STIP and Benchmarking: Scorecard category for measuring the performance of executive involves profitability of group, customer, people and operational safety, cost agenda and transformation cost, strategic and growth initiatives. Measures include underlying profit before tax, transformation benefit delivery, assessment of board and operational safety, net promoter score and EBIT growth (Kravet 2014). The long-term incentive and short-term incentive opportunities for Base pay and At target are set with reference to external benchmark and this also involves comparable roles in international airlines and other listed Australian companies (Gerdin et al. 2014). STIP, LTIP and at target rewards are usually expressed as Base pay percentage. However, there is no match between strategy remuneration mix and target remuneration mix. The reason is attributable to the difference between actual LTIP and STIP outcome and that differ every year at target level. Reward mix is computed on accumulation basis according to Australian standard. Statutory remuneration of every year involves a portion of share based payment value (Ferrarini and Ungureanu 2015). Long-term incentive plan: The fair value of right is determined by determines the number of rights granted. Under LTIP 2014-2016, 100 percent of rights were granted and it was vested following the performance hurdles at 30th June, 2016. Under LTIP 2013-2015, 85% of rights were granted (Qantas.com.au 2017). Short-term incentive plan: One third of STIP awards for year 2014-2015, were delivered to deferred shared participants that are subjected restriction period of two years. Restriction period is applicable throughout 2015-2016 Recommendation: As a part of strategic management and organizational behavior, a radical and different approach should be taken by organization for broadening the performance measures of remunerations payable to executive management. There needs to be an alternative means of aligning the remuneration package of executives with the incentive of managers with the owners. Measurement should rather be drawn on increasing the skills of employees, improving their motivation and empowering them. Conclusion: After going through the compensation report depicted in the Qantas annual report and analyzing the various remuneration components, it is concluded that the group has adopted a fair methodology for valuing the incentive plan payable to executive team. When comparing the remuneration methodology for the financial year 2016 and 2015, it is evident from the analysis of annual report that both the years have adopted fair allocation methodology in determining the number of rights payable on STIP and LTIP to executive team. Reference: Ahmed, A.S. and Duellman, S., 2013. Managerial overconfidence and accounting conservatism.Journal of Accounting Research,51(1), pp.1-30. Braun, K.W., Tietz, W.M. and Harrison, W.T., 2013.Managerial accounting. Pearson. Chan, L., 2013. ACCTG 421 Managerial Accounting Module, Sections 1 and 2. Crosson, S.V. and Needles, B.E., 2013.Managerial accounting. Cengage Learning. Cumby, J.A., 2013. Business 2101: managerial accounting. Program 03-02. Job Costing. Datar, S.M. and Rajan, M.V., 2014.Managerial Accounting: Making decisions and motivating performance. Pearson Education. Ferrarini, G. and Ungureanu, M.C., 2015. Executive remuneration. InThe Oxford Handbook of Corporate Law and Governance. Filler, G., Burkoski, V. and Tithecott, G., 2014. Measuring physicians productivity: a three-year study to evaluate a new remuneration system.Academic Medicine,89(1), pp.144-152. Gerdin, J., Messner, M. and Mouritsen, J., 2014. On the significance of accounting for managerial work.Scandinavian Journal of Management,4(30), pp.389-394. Investor.qantas.com. (2017). [online] Available at: https://investor.qantas.com/FormBuilder/_Resource/_module/doLLG5ufYkCyEPjF1tpgyw/file/annual-reports/2015_qantas_annual_report.pdf [Accessed 7 May 2017].Qantas.com.au. (2017). Retrieved 7 May 2017, from https://www.qantas.com.au/infodetail/about/corporateGovernance/2016AnnualReport.pdfWalther, L.M. and Skousen, C.J., 2014.Introduction to Manage